Railtech Wiki

Hi MM21 -- we are excited to have Railtech Wiki as part of the Wikia community!

Starting a new wiki can be overwhelming, but don't worry, the Wikia Community Team is here to help! We have put together a few guides to getting started. They say imitation is the best form of flattery so absolutely check out other wikis on Wikia for ideas on layout, ways to organize your content, etc. We are all one big family at Wikia and the most important thing is to have fun!

  • Our guide to Getting Started gives you 5 things you can do right now to set your wiki up for success
  • We also put together some Advice On Starting a Wiki which provides a more a in-depth look at some of the important things you should consider when building a wiki
  • If you are new to wikis in general than we recommend checking our new user FAQ

If you need help (which trust me we ALL do) you can access our full in-depth help at Help Wikia, or email us through our contact form. Also, you can visit our live #wikia chat channel any time. A lot of the veteran "Wikians" hang out here so its a good place if come if you want to get some advice or simply make friends.

Now, go edit! We look forward to seeing this project thrive!

Best wishes, YuChen Hsu


嗨,過去一星期新增的文章較少,是忙於其他工作嗎?如果你有blog,也可以在你的blog上介紹這個站的計畫,這樣其他有興趣的朋友們,也可以在你工作較忙的時候撰寫這個wiki,也可以在你維基百科的個人用戶頁上介紹這個由你主持的wiki。--KJ(討論) 2008年6月2日 (一) 01:50 (UTC)
